I am tried to execute this code...am getting only if parts it's not going to the else part.. I don't know what mistake I have
//Insert the values into database
string strcon = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=userinformation; Integrated Security=True";//used to data connection
SqlConnection mycon = new SqlConnection(strcon);//used for new connection
mycon.Open();//open the db
//insert the values
string strquery = "insert into userdetails(firstname,lastname,gender,phoneno)VALUES('" + firstname + "','" + lastname + "','" + ChosenMovie + "','" + phone + "')";
//select the values from
SqlCommand cmdd = new SqlCommand("select * from userdetails ",mycon);
//read the values from db
SqlDataReader reader = cmdd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
//already exists means give the error
MessageBox.Show("User already exists");
else {
//if it's new row means insert the values
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strquery, mycon);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();//save the values
mycon.Close();//close the connection
MessageBox.Show("the value has been inserted");//give the success message