closing connection works not correct.
I wrote a client application with async socket management for the PocketPC.
The server appliction is running under WinXP .NET (also async Socket Management).
After the connection is made, I call on both sides "BeginReceive(...)".
Every time I receive Data I first call EndReceive and then BeginReceive again.
If EndReceive returns to me that there where read 0Bytes I don't call BeginReceive again.
And now, here comes the thing that puzzels me :-(
when I call ...
...normaly the BeginReceive-Callback should be called (with 0 Bytes). But it is not! The Receiving Thread is still running.
I tried the same code not on the PDA but on the WinXP. Than everything works fine and the Thread is properly finished. The SAME code, exactly the same Code.
What is wrong? Perhaps there is a bug in the C.F. .NET? Or did I miss something?
Thank in advance, Uwe.