
COM Component calling a method in C# .Net app

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In my VS .NET Solution I have two projects.  One is the main windows application(EXE) and the other is a COM component(DLL).  The com component talks to an IE Toolbar.  My problem is that I need the COM component to also talk to the main windows app(EXE).  My first crack at this was to have the main app write the data to the database and then my COM component can read the data from the DB.  This worked but it is too slow because of the DB calls. My second try was to create the COM component inside the main app.  Therefore, there would be no DLL project.  I registered the com component via "regasm app.exe", but I get an error in my javascript(IE toolbar) on "var x = new ActiveXObject('MyApp.COMComp');".  It is like the COM component was never registered. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get a COM component to call a method of a C# .NET application?

Thank you,