
COM object event handling problem with late binding

Luca Poalini

Luca Poalini

Jan 8 2015 10:32 AM

Hi all,

I'm developping a C# COM object with event that I must handle in my application.

If I add the COM object in the application's References all work fine but if I use the COM object with late binding I don't receive the event.

The code relative to the interface is:




    public interface ER755COM_Events



        void OnReceiveDataEvent(string args);






    public class ER755 : ER755COM_Interface



        public delegate void OnReceiveDataEventHandler(string args);       

        public event OnReceiveDataEventHandler OnReceiveDataEvent;





        if (OnReceiveDataEvent != null)


               Console.WriteLine("OnDataReceive calling OnReceiveDataEvent");








And the code in the application is:






[ComImport, Guid("CA2F7751-32F3-4E87-BC88-CC99F4186A09")]

class ER755




public delegate void OnReceiveDataEventHandler(string args);


System.Type objType;

dynamic comObject;



objType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("ER755.ER755");

comObject = System.Activator.CreateInstance(objType);

comObject.OnReceiveDataEvent += new OnReceiveDataEventHandler(OnMyReceiveDataEventHandler);



Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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