I have a DataTemplate:
< DataTemplate >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" >
<Image Source="{Binding SomeImage}" />
<TextBlock Text={"Bingding SomeText}" />
< /DataTemplate>
And a toggleButton:
< ToggleButton IsChecked = "{Binding SomeBinding, Mode = TwoWay}" >
<Image Source="{Bingding Path=SelectedValue />
< /ToggleButton>
And a combobox:
< ComboBox ItemSource="{Binding SomeItemSource}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ComboboxItemTemplate}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectTedItemActive}" SelectedValuePath="SelectTedValueImage">
< /ComboBox>
In the code behind:
SomeItemSource contains two data: Image1 and Image2
SelectedItemActive is a property.
When I run the application and press the combobox, it pops up with Imag1 and Image2 and I can choose one of them,
If I now choose Image1 and next time I choose Image2 (Image1 -> Image2), the code go to SelectTedItemActive
because of selectedValuechange.
If I now choose Image1 and next time I choose Imag1 (Image1 -> Image1), the code NOT go to SelecttedItemAvive because is not selectedValuechange.
My question is how can I force the code to go to SelectTedItemActive although is not selectedValuechange (Image1 -> Image1)? Thanks you very much.