
Combobox with intellisense

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OK so I copied an old thread to ask the very same question as jv did. gMorris replied to change the property to DropDownList and that does keep the user to only selecting from the list but the real question was, that if the list of animals was in the thousands and the user wanted to narrow their selection by typing in more that 1 character how do you do it. In the example given, if there would have been an entry for "umbrella'" (what animal starts with an u?) the selected item would have gone to umbrella instead of rug. I have this situation going on and all I can find is an intelliCombobox for VB. The other side of my question is when the user is typing in a number like "17" the selection goes to one then seven and I can't get it to go to seventeen unless I use the pull down. This is for a very heavy data input window application and the fewer time the user has to leave the keyboard the better. Thanks for the help Convo from January 2004 jv ComboBox with Intellisense Posted: 06 Feb 2004 11:06 AM I have a comboBox which has a DropDownStyle=DropDownList as I don't want the User to be able to type into the box. However if the User starts typing I want the nearest match in the list to be displayed e.g If the list contains Dog Cat Rabbit Rug Fish and the User types "r" then Rabbit is highlighed if he then types "u" Rug is highlighted. I think I am looking for a comboBox with intellisense Any help appreciated GMorris Re: ComboBox with Intellisense Posted: 06 Feb 2004 10:44 PM In Properties: Set DropDownStyle to DropDownList. The ComboBox will then behave just like a ListBox, and will not allow a user to enter any text (as far as I can tell).