
Command Line Complier + subdirectory dll not working

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will cotter

will cotter


Ok , heres the thing.  I have a project im workin on, and i have my exe , in a directory, with a subdirectory named DLL and inside that my dll.


I was sure that

 csc /t:winexe /lib:DLL /r:uiobj.dll msf_exe.cs

is the compiler command i would use to create my exe, set up a DLL subdirectory and reference the dll inside it...

But alas when i run the exe and JiT Debugger error somes up saying System.IO.FileNotFound exception.... even though the command compiler does not have any error compiling the code.

It doesnt matter what i do , if i dont have my dll inside the folder with the exe it wont work. I can even add my dll to the GAC with gacutil.exe and that works fine.  I just cant access my private dll's inside my subdirectory. Could it be that my environment vars are set wrong , or something else. i was sure that  /:lib set a directory reference , but its just not working for me /cry :(


Any help or ideas would be great, thanks you in advance!

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