Hi All,
I have 3 dictionaries. I am trying to compare dict1 and dict2 , remove the same entries from dict1 and sending as an output to dict3.
Dict1= ["Test1", "testing"] ["Test2", "testing76"] ["Test3", "testin67g"] ["Test4", "tests67ing"] ["Test5", "tessadting"] ["Test8", "tessadting"]
Dict2= ["Test1", "testin67g"] ["Test2", "testing 67"] ["test3", "testing6"] ["test4", "testing 213"] ["test7", "testing 21"]
Dict3= ["Test5", "tessadting"] ["Test8", "tessadting"]-------->Output needed
My line of code is,
Dictionary<string,string> dict3= Dict1.Keys.Except(Dict2.Keys).ToDictionary(t => t, t => dict1[t]);
But i dont get the correct output. Kindly help.