copy contents of CDC to gdi + graphics object
Hi all
Please help me for this---
In my project all drawing operations are done by using CDC object.
CDC stretchBlt , BitBlt like functions are used.
I want to copy contents of this on GDI+ Graphic object created using Bitmap.
I tried following code, but its not woking
Can anyone help me.......????????
sDC = GetDC();
Bitmap* scrollBitmap = new Bitmap(680,768,PixelFormat32bppPARGB);
Graphics gr(scrollBitmap);
HDC hdc = gr.GetHDC();
CDC *gDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc);
sDC is original Dc on which all drawing is done.
i have created new CDC gDC- which is created by using Graphics object
I tried to use dtatement gDC->StretchBlt(destination gDC,-,-Source is SDC);
but this is not working, nothing on BITMAP....
Please help me what can i do for this