
Create a Bank application in MVC5. I am new to c# and MVC.

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sireesha M

sireesha M

In this i have to take 
 BankName: Text Box
BankMode: Inactive :ChexkBox
Button: Save
Above those displayed in one row.
When enter details and click save button then
need to display one table which we can Edit.
In this table, the fields are 
BankName          Inactivate:DropDownList saying Y/N                     Edit:When click edit have to present                                                                                                     cancel icon n cancled bank                                                                                                                        and update operation also need to do.
 This is my Form. How to design and how to write code ??
Mainly how can i connect with database let me know.
I am New one to C# and MVC coding so please help how to develope that applicaion as early as possible. 

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