create different xml files by an attribute value
Hi All,
Give me some light to do this one:
My sample xml file is here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root rootatt="RO" rootId="1">
<child1 id1="false" id11="1">
<child id2="HIN">blabla </child>
<child1 id1="false" id11="3">
<child id2="HIN">blabla </child>
<child1 id1="false" id11="4">
<child id2="TEL">blabla </child>
<child1 id1="false" id11="1">
<child id2="TEL">blabla </child>
<child1 id1="false" id11="7">
<child id2="HIN">blabla </child>
<child1 id1="false" id11="3">
<child id2="ARA">blabla </child>
I would like to create different xml files based on <child id2="HIN">. All same id2= "HIN" attributes including parent node (<child1>) and root node (</root>) should be in the one xml file. All same id2= "TEL" attributes including parent node (<child1>) and root node (</root>) should be in second xml file. All same id2= "ARA" attributes including parent node (<child1>) and root node (</root>) should be in the one xml file.
Advance thanks,