I want to create a excel file using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
In this excel file a lot of data from a database.
I am using subtotals to group the data
worksheet_range.Cells.Subtotal(1, Excel.XLConsolidationFunction.xlSum, new[] {7,8}, false)
Beside the data from the database, I want to add some column with formula's into the excel sheet.
worksheet.get_Range(C1, Type.Missing).EntireColumn.Formula = "=A1+B1";
When I add the columns with the formula's first to the excel sheet and apply the subtotals after that, I do get the following errormessage
To prevent possible loss of data, Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off of the worksheet
How can I add columns with fomula's in my excelsheet and use subtotal at the same time ?