
Crossword in Visual Studios 2008

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jacob lusco

jacob lusco


I am trying to build a crossword app in Visual basic useing visual studio 2008.
ok so my idea is to make a app that lays out a grid and you add your words to text boxs and it  will place them into the grid then black out the emply parts of the grid along with text boxs for your clues and it will print them out with the crossword grid center top and clues underneath. im haveing a hard time finding anything that will help me and am hopeing someone here may be able to offer help. i have a app that will do some of what i want but it uses 625 text boxs for the grid and it wont print the text boxs as a grid or the text i place anywhere also it is slow to load do to the mass amount of controls. please help will be eternily gratful