
C1TrueDB - can i use SqlDependency or something similar?

artem kurakin

artem kurakin


i'm working on multi-user app, where many users can access MSSQL database in a same time, and i need some method to update TrueDB when one of users adds new data. i have accomplish this with SqlDependency. BUT, i don't know if it is a right thing to use... first of all i used it with a GridView component, and now i'm using TrueDB component, i don't know how to add SqlDependency to it (Fill method?) secondly i used to clear and then fill my GridView with the data, it works fine with few entries, but what if my DB grows up to a thousands of them? it will take much longer to load all the data, so i thought there might be better way - load only the newest entry, the last one that was added, and then add to the list. but i can't figure out how to do this.

so what's the best way to get this done? update TrueDB component when the data in my MSSQL changes (someone adds/updates/deletes data)