
Custom Control Problem

Doug Parsons

Doug Parsons


Greetings all.

I am working on an application that displays a grid with dropdownboxs in various parts of this grid. Now the entire gird is generated dynamically based on user interaction, so i have put the code required to generate this grid in an .ascx file. Here is my problem:

My grid is generating perfectly, but I am stuck on this on part: I currently have the functionality that is the user changes an item in any of the dropdowns, the form will postback to itself, however, i am unable to get the selectedIndex.Text or Value.

first let me share with you how i create the drop downboxes:


hwriter.WriteAttribute("name", i.ToString)

hwriter.WriteAttribute("OnChange", "javascript: " & Page.GetPostBackEventReference(Me, Me.UniqueID))



hwriter.WriteAttribute("value", "ins~" & intUsers(i).ToString & "~" & intLinkId.ToString & "~" & dt.Rows(x).Item("roleValue"))

hwriter.WriteAttribute("selected", "selected")




and is rendered through:

Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal hwriter As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)

The way the above code is laid out, when a postback occurs, my eventArgs is the value of: 'Me.UniqueID' which does me no good. I have looked through my VS.Net help files and there are examples on how to do this with button and raising the click event, I can not duplicate this for the onChange event??? Any help as to how I can get the values of the selected item would be greatly appreciated. -Doug