
Customized Update Command For DataAdapter

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Adam Erstelle

Adam Erstelle

Hi, I'm hoping someone can tell me what is wrong. I'm getting an exception "Syntax Error in UPDATE Statement" when I try to update the database with changes from a datatable on the client (Via a datagrid). I have a feeling it may have to do with the parameters and stuff. I'm using VS2003 Private dt As DataTable Private da As OdbcDataAdapter Private cn As OdbcConnection Private cmdUpdate As OdbcCommand Private DisplayGrid As New DataGrid() cn = New OdbcConnection("DSN=CIRISSDB;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}") cmdUpdate = New OdbcCommand("Update sa_adminvalues set Value = ? , modon = now(),modby = 1 where Variable = ?", cn)'now() is an access function for current date/time 'the previous line of code is all in one line, not two as the forum will display With cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@p1", OdbcType.VarChar) .SourceColumn = "Value" .SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current End With With cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@p2", OdbcType.VarChar) .SourceColumn = "Variable" .SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original End With cn.Open() da = New OdbcDataAdapter("Select * From sa_adminvariables", cn) dt = New DataTable da.Fill(dt) DisplayGrid.DataSource = dt DisplayGrid.CaptionText = Title da.UpdateCommand = cmdUpdate cn.close() 'pause & wait for user to modify data 'User chooses to save updates cn.open() Dim rowsUpdated As Long rowsUpdated = da.Update(dt) 'This is where exception is thrown cn.close() Thanks Muchly!!!!!

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