
Data Source problem

siddu sagar

siddu sagar

Mar 12 2007 12:39 AM

HI All ,

I am getting Problem with connection string.I know the syntax and Everything.I am getting problem with Data Source name.I Checked in Service manager in that server name is like this B4B-2F-323-CK26.

But when i try to open Enterprise manager then it is showing (local)windowsNT.

My connection String like this:

 conObj = New SqlConnection("Data Source=B4B-2F-323-CK26;user id=sa;pwd=sa;Database=Shopping")

i am displaying Login table details in datagrid.i am getting blank aspx page as output.

i tried using B4B-2F-323-CK26 and local.Pls Help me it is very urgent.what i have to give Data source name