
DataGrid help

Aviv Giladi

Aviv Giladi


Hello Friends,

I need your help setting up a DataGrid. I have this DataGrid, and I want the following
options to be available on it, some I got working, and some only work if I disable another option. How can I get all of these options to be available on my DataGrid?

1) I want to be able to select a single line, or multiple lines. This by clicking on one cell in the
row. I want it to become blue, like when selecting text. If I click control or shift, it will select multiple rows.
This in order to remove rows from the grid.

2) I want to be able to sort the list by a specific coloumn in it.

3) I want the height of the row to be determined by the amount of text inside it. thus if the text in a specific cell in a row takes a bigger space than the default row height, that row's height will be enlarged.
Imagine this situation on a Word's table; if you enter
a big amount of text in a cell, that entire row's height enlarges.

4) Something I don't want - when you click on a cell, the text inside it becomes blue (only in that specific cell) and its format is changed.
e.g if I have:
"This is a
Nice line"
if I click on it it becomes blue and the text becomes "This is aNice line"
I never want the text's format to change.


The problems I have: if I "enable=false" the DataGrid, I get no event for a click on it
thus I can't select it (i.e turn it blue).

I'm very sorry for this over-sized message and I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you very much,
Aviv Giladi