
Date format issue in telerik:RadDatePicker

satish pawar

satish pawar

Jun 28 2014 2:20 AM
we have application which is accessed worldwide. and we set the default date format. The server set the time zone of the San Fransisco. Here the control used to display date in mm/dd/yyyy
<telerik:RadDatePicker Width="90" x:Name="dtpCashflowDate" Height="18" DateTimeText="{Binding Path=NewTransferDetail.TransferDate,Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,StringFormat=\{0:d\}}" InputMode="DatePicker">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="GotFocus">
<ei:CallMethodAction MethodName="NewRecord_GotFocus"
TargetObject="{Binding}" ></ei:CallMethodAction>

Now one of the organization office in Bangkok show the date in dd/mm/yyyy. How its possible.

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