
DateTimePicker type through

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I currently have a custom cell that uses a datetime picker as its control. The DTP is set to a 24 hour clock format and the showupdown is set to true so the control looks like this:

00:00 (with up down arrows to the right)

Everything works fine, but there is a feature I would like to imporove upon. when the control grabs focus, the left set of numbers is focused and you can type numbers. The only way to get to the right set of numbers is to click on them or to use the right arrow key on the keyboard. I would like to find a way to allow the user to type through the numbers so when 2 are placed into the left set of digits the focus automatically jumps to the right set of digits and the user can continue to type numbers instead of having to implicitly select those numbers. It would just be a much smoother transition for our users. I can't seem to find how to access these controls within the DTP class so I can implement this. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?