
Datrow getParentRow

walter weber

walter weber

Sep 14 2008 9:35 PM


Writing a simple program to read data from a group of table to display for order entry.  IN trying to get the data fromt he related table in this code:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Data.Sql;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using Xceed.SmartUI.Controls.TreeView;

namespace Pareto_OE


public partial class frmOrderRequest : Form


private bool m_ExitOnLoad = false;


SqlConnection connParetodb = new SqlConnection("Data Source=REM-1726-MS05;Initial Catalog=ParetoDev;Integrated Security=True");

dsQ2O dataQ2O=new dsQ2O();

private List<Category> items=new List<Category> ();

public frmOrderRequest()



// ShowSplashScreen(); removed for now to get to what needs to be worked on



private void ShowSplashScreen()


splashParetoOE splash = new splashParetoOE(this);

DialogResult result = splash.ShowDialog(this);

switch (result)


//this will not return auto due to the fact the form is doing nothing

case DialogResult.Abort:

m_ExitOnLoad = true;


case DialogResult.No:

string text = "Problem";

string caption = "Problem";

MessageBox.Show(this, text, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

m_ExitOnLoad = true;






private void getData()


dataQ2O.EnforceConstraints = false;

//ugly code to fill each table as we go, should be replaced later with better code

//will need to redo using backgroundworker...KISS for now though

SqlCommand cmdQ2O=new SqlCommand("Select * from Q2O", connParetodb);

SqlDataAdapter daQ2O=new SqlDataAdapter(cmdQ2O);

daQ2O.Fill(dataQ2O, "Q2O");

SqlCommand cmdOrderPriority = new SqlCommand("Select * from OrderPriorityList", connParetodb);

SqlDataAdapter daOrderPriority = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdOrderPriority);

daQ2O.Fill(dataQ2O, "OrderPriorityList");


private void frmOrderRequest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


//Tree needs to be in order by Status (Open, In Progrees, Completed), Priority (Urgent, Stock, Other), Enter By, Request

//Need to rework Category to reflect above statement also need to figure out relationshop or getParentRow

foreach (DataRow orderRow in dataQ2O.Tables["Q2O"].Rows)


items.Add(new Category((int)orderRow[0], (int)orderRow[1], (string)orderRow[5]));

foreach (DataRow priorityRow in orderRow.GetParentRow("FK_Q2O_OrderPriorityList"));




private void buildsmarttree()


//this code should eventually be move to ctlQ2OTree control

//should also look at using collections rather then list..also create objects from data rather then dataset

Node rootsNode = new Node("Order Request");

rootsNode.Name = "rootsNode";

rootsNode.Text = "Order Request";

rootsNode.Tag = "Root";

rootsNode.Font = new Font(smartTreeView1.Font.FontFamily, 12, FontStyle.Bold);




internal void RefreshTree(object p_ObjectToSelect)






private void RefreshRootNode(Node p_RootNode)



foreach (Category catss in items)


Node priorityNode = new Node(catss.NodeText);

// RefreshDateNode(dateNode);




private void RefreshDateNode(Node p_dateNode)






I receive the follolwing error:


Error 1 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Data.DataRow' because 'System.Data.DataRow' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator' C:\Users\walter.weber\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Pareto-OE\Pareto-OE\frmOrderRequest.cs 81 17 Pareto-OE


All fo the examples I can find including on Microsoft's site show the code for the getParentRow done like this.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.