
debugging problem

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Nathan Baker

Nathan Baker

I have an asp.net application that is using a remote object to perform some Active Directory authenticating and capturing of the user's groups.  The remote object is a C# class library and the asp.net app is a web based login written in C# as well.  One of the methods in my class library doesn't seem to be working correctly and I need a way to 'step into' this app while i am running the web based app in debug mode.  I remember years ago being able to run COM dll's in VB 6.0 and step into them once the 2nd app made a request for that dll...In essence running 2 instances of VB in debug mode.  Is this possible in .NET?  I need to have the class library running until my web app tries to access it, then i need to step into it to see why one of my methods is breaking.  If i run the same code in the method that is failing directly in my web app it works.  Same code, passing same exact data to each method, but the remote one (my class library) throws an error, but when i put the same method in my web app and call it directly it works fine.  Any one have any ideas?

Thanks in advance