
debugging trouble

balla etoyo ignace yves

balla etoyo ignace yves

Feb 25 2012 10:31 PM
Begging you for help
I m coding a little project that read inside a text files
The file can be query to display a record and answer accordingly (found display it ,not found display a error message) also display some information regarding the Balance of the customer

Presently i m having a trouble with my business class that instead of displaying the first record display the following error message (function GetData)

" invalidCastException was unhandled

conversion from string "500.00" to type decimal is not valid"

We read the whole line of the file and as information is separed by comma  we decide to split according to the comma and save all the information inside an array of strings.Now when we proceed with the search..First element will be ID, second : name, third : balance.
At this stage my program does not display the record

following is the code of the business class. I have highlight in Blue and BOLD the trouble line( See function GetData )

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.File
Public Class Account

    Private maccountId As String
    Private maccountname As String
    Private mbalance As Decimal
    Private mFilepath As String
    Private mLastError As String
    Private mTotalDeposits As Decimal
    Private mTotalwithdrawls As Decimal
#Region "Public properties"

    Public Property AccountID() As String
            Return mAccountId
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            maccountId = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Accountname() As String
            Return mAccountname
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            mAccountname = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property balance() As Decimal

            Return mbalance
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Filepath() As String

            Return mFilePath
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            mFilepath = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property LastError() As String

            Return mLastError
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            mLastError = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property TotalDeposits() As Decimal

            Return mTotalDeposits
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Totalwithdrawals() As Decimal

            Return mTotalwithdrawls
        End Get
    End Property

#End Region

#Region "Public methods"

    Public Sub New(ByVal paccountId As String)

        maccountId = paccountId
        maccountname = String.empty
        mbalance = 0D
    End Sub

    Public Function Getdata() As Boolean

        ' read the data file ,try to find the account ID
        'if found read the account name and balance and
        'return true .If not found ,return false

        Dim infile As StreamReader = Nothing
        mLastError = String.empty


            infile = openText(mFilepath)
            While Not infile.endofstream
                Dim entireline As String = infile.readline()
                Dim fields() As String = entireline.split(","c)
                If fields(0) = maccountId Then
                    mAccountname = fields(1)
                    mbalance =  CDec(fields(2))
                    mTotalDeposits = 0D
                    mTotalwithdrawls = 0D
                End If
            End While

            mLastError = "account " & mAccountId & " not found"
            Return False
            If infile IsNot Nothing Then infile.close()
        End Try

        Return False

    End Function

    Public Sub Deposit(ByVal amount As Decimal)

        ' deposit the amount in the account by adding it
        'to the balance

        mbalance += amount
        mTotalDeposits += amount

    End Sub

    Public Function withdraw(ByVal amount As Decimal) As Boolean

        'withdraw amount from the account if the existing balance is
        ' at least as large as the amount, and return true
        ' return false if balance is less than amount

        If amount <= mbalance Then
            mbalance -= amount
            mTotalwithdrawls += amount
            Return True

            mLastError = "balance is too low to withdraw the requested amount"
            Return False
        End If

    End Function

#End Region

End Class


I have tried to replace the line i m having the same error message
The file location is correct
Thanks in advance for your kind help


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