
Dialog box in MDIForm

Ramalingam S

Ramalingam S

Dec 18 2009 3:58 AM

plz read the following steps and suggest me some solution.
Scenario - 1
Consider that the application name is "Sample"
1)I have a MDIForm with a button.While clicking that button a form will display as a dialog.
For ex:
Form form=new Form()
2)Open TaskManager - Applications tab - RightClick "Sample"[Application Name] and select minimize
3)Now the application is minimized but dialog box is closed.(i.e) form's closing event is fired and form will get closed.
Scenario - 2
1)Open My Computer - Tools Menu - FolderOptions.A dialog will appear
2)Open TaskManager - Application tab - Right click MyComputer and select minimize
Now MyComputer will minimize with that dialog.If we right click MyComputer in taskmanager and select maximize the already opened "FolderOptions" dialog will appear.
Like scenario - 2, i want in our VS application[Scenario - 1]

Answers (2)