DirectPlay.Peer. HostMigrated problem.
I'm using DX9 DSK. DirectX.DirectPlay.Peer class.
I create 2 players on one computer.
1 - Host() with SessionFlags.MigrateHost | SessionFlags.NoDpnServer | SessionFlags.FastSigned flag.
2 - FindHost() and Connect() to 1'st host.
If 1'st player shuts down, 2'd receives HostMigrated event and (I think) become host.
After that i create 3'd player in my own comp and it can not find host (FindHost() - nothing). But 2'd player still running. Thus 3'd player create host (with same session name as in 1'st and 2'd player) without exception?!?!
4'th player will find the host from 3'd player and will receive events from this session.
It seems like 2 hosts with the same session name and same App GUID. Fantastic!