
Division of two numbers using array list ? help




Hi there, 

I need help with two methods:


One that does the division between the numbers  & one that returns the mod


The program's goal is to do these math operations without using the Big-Int class from java. That's the reason why

I use Array Lists to do it.


import java.util.*;

public class NumberOperations {

public static void main(String[] args){


ArrayList<Integer> biggerNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();

ArrayList<Integer> smallerNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();

ArrayList<Integer> operatedNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();


//just make the program work with big numbers like this.

//thats the whole purpose: handeling big numbers.

String num1 = "123456789101112";


String num2 = "12345678910";


//I thought about storing the numbers backwards into the arraylist

//for a better handeling of the number, feel free to do it as you pleased.

for(int i = num1.length() -1; i>= 0; i --){

char numberChar = num1.charAt(i);

String numberString = ""+numberChar;




System.out.println("Printing num1: "); // output: [2,1,1,1,0,1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]


for(int i = num2.length() -1; i>= 0; i --){

char numberChar = num2.charAt(i);

String numberString = ""+numberChar;




System.out.println("Printing num2: "); //output: [0,1,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]



// also, assume that the bigger number is always first in parameters, which is num1.

// and smaller number is second in parameters, which is num2.



operatedNumber = devide(biggerNumber, smallerNumber);

System.out.println("Division of numbers: " + operatedNumber); // dont worry about the output from this

// or if the number outputs backwards



operatedNumber = mod(biggerNumber, smallerNumber);

System.out.println("Mod of numbers: " + operatedNumber); // dont worry about the output from this

// or if the number outputs backwards




//Division method should look like this:


public static ArrayList<Integer> devide(ArrayList<Integer> bigger, ArrayList<Integer> smaller){


ArrayList<Integer> devidedNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>();




return devidedNumber;


//I also need a method that returns the mod of two numbers.

//This is basically the same as devision() method except that it returns the mod.

public static ArrayList<Integer> mod(ArrayList<Integer> bigger, ArrayList<Integer> smaller){

ArrayList<Integer> modOfNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();




return modOfNumbers;




 Cheers thanks . any help is appreciated .. 

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