
DNS access error?

George George

George George

Aug 2 2008 7:16 AM

Hello everyone,

I am wrting an Http client to access some web page. My current network configuration is using proxy of local lab to access internet.

For the URLs which I can not access, I have also tried in IE, both of them are errors from DNS/Bad gateway. Here is the error message in IE.

My questions are,

1. is DNS fail to resolve the domain name to IP address the root cause?

2. If yes, which party is responsible to choose which DNS to use? Proxy will choose which DNS to use or proxy will resolve the name to IP directly?

IE error message,

Error Code 11001: Host not found
Background: This error indicates that the gateway could not find the IP address of the website you are trying to access. This is usually due to a DNS-related error.
Date: 8/2/2008 10:41:38 AM [GMT]
Server: NetworkLabProxy
Source: DNS error

thanks in advance,