
Do anyone know how to mark "int a;" & "int a ;" as correct?

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zonghui laoda

zonghui laoda


i was given a project on checking and marking c++ code but in c++ if u leave spaces in between them for example like "int        a           ;" it is still correct...so basically admin will create the answers into sal database so in the database it shows answer="int a;"
after many researchs on spaces i learn more about trim,trimLeft,trimright,trimstart,and trimend...then Replace
so basically trim helped me to remove all the extra white spaces and if user type="int         a;" = correct ans but if user key extra spaces in between a & ; system will mark it as wrong because if user type "int        a      ;"="int a ;"
but in my database shows"int a;" so unless i can remove all the space between a &; i will be wrong...
i tried using "EndWith(";")" but if i do this i cant use the check ans=ans
for example--->if(Userans == Realans && Realans.EndsWith(";"))

//this is my sample on testing the code
void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string Userans;
Userans = TextBox1.Text;
int i=0;
Userans = Userans.Replace("  ", " ");
//Userans = Userans.Trim();
//Userans = Userans.Remove(1, 1);
//Userans = Userans.Substring(1);
string Realans;
Realans = getans();
Realans = Realans.Trim();

Label2.Text =Realans;
Label3.Text =Userans;
TextBox1.Text = Label3.Text;
if(Userans == Realans && Realans.EndsWith(";"))

    Label1.Text="Correct Answer!";
    Label1.Text="Wrong Answer!";


i wonder if i am able to remove all the spaces at the end? or use what kind of string.. really dunno how to solve zzzz

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