
Dropdown Menu in Php not working

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Live Training

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }CODE.cjk { font-family: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp",monospace; }A:link { } [B]I want to create a drop down menu in php for my local host and tried following, But using it The drop down menu appears, but is blank, and has no options. [/B]

//if the session data has been set, then the variable $sv_02 is defined
//as the data held in the session under that name, otherwise it is blank
if (isset($_SESSION['sv_02'])) {$sv_02=$_SESSION['sv_02'];} else {$sv_02="";}
//define the array
$dm_sv_02 = array('-Year','-2012','-2011','-2010','-2009');
//create the function
function dropdown($dropdownoptions, $session_data)
foreach($dropdownoptions as $dropdownoption){
if($session_data == $dropdownoption){
echo '<option value="' . $dropdownoption . '" selected>' . $dropdownoption . '</option>';
} else {
echo '<option value="' . $dropdownoption . '">' . $dropdownoption . '</option>';
//echo the HTML needed to create a drop down, and populate it with
//the function which should create the <option> elements
echo '<select name="sv_02">';
dropdown($dm_sv_02, $sv_02);
echo '</select>';
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