Hi ...
I have a gridview which has 3 columns and binded from database on pageload.
In the same page i have 3 dropdown list which is also binded from database.
User will select 3 dropdown list value, if all the 3 dropdown list
value is available in the binded gridview in any row of 3 column , then i
need to show a message ALREADY EXIST.
Plz help me to do this ! Hope u guys have understand !!
let me exaplin you in clear what i need is
let us consider i have this data which is below in my gridview binded through sqldatasource
EmployeeName Title City Salary
Bob yyy B 30K
John XXX A 20K
Rahmesh zzz c 15K
Gomathi hhh D 18K
Riya iii E 19K
Karthicks uuu F 22K
I have three dropdownlist outside of the gridview
In first dropdownlist1 i have for example: John,Rahul,Riya
In Second dropdownlist2 i have for example: XXX,TTT,iii
In third dropdownlist3 i have for example: A,P,E
If user select John in dropdwonlist1, XXX in dropdwonlist2, A in dropdwonlist3
i need to show record already exists message
coz in my gridview it has all the three in second Row..
this what i need..Help me to achieve this
for(int i=0; i<gridview1.rows.count)
if(gridview.rows[i].cells["Employe_Name"].toString()==ddl.selectedvalue().toString() && gridview.rows[i].cells["Title"].toString()==ddl2.selectedvalue().toString() && gridview.rows[i].cells["City"].toString()==dd3.selectedvalue().toString() )
response.write("already exist");
its not working bellow code it shows a error like The best overloaded method match for 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCellCollection.this[int]' has some invalid arguments