
DropDownLists problem

Probi Forumi

Probi Forumi

May 19 2008 11:53 AM


I´m new to Asp.Net and C#, so I need some help

I have an aspx page on which I have 1 RadioButtonList, and 3 DropDownLists

I populate the DropDownLists and RadioButtonList from database with DataBind() in the Page_Load

then I need to select from the 4 forms and on a click of a button to get the selected values and text for further use.


How do I do this? Which options to set in the forms ( like AutoPostBack, AppendDataBoundItems, OnSelectedIndexChange ) and so on.

So far I just can get it work with getting the items from the RadioButtonList and the last DropDownList


any help will be more than wellcomed




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