
Editing text in a file apostrophe is replaced with another

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Dear All,

While editing the the text file the apostrophe (') is replacing with another character automatically. i dont want to be replaced it. See the below code for review.

StringBuilder newFile = new StringBuilder();
string temp = "";
string[] AllLines = File.ReadAllLines(FileName);
strStart = "<";
foreach (string strLine in AllLines)
if (strLine.Contains("CUsers") || strLine.Contains("_ags"))
fIndex = strLine.IndexOf(strStart);
sIndex = strLine.LastIndexOf("_ags");
temp = strLine.Remove(fIndex + 2, (sIndex - fIndex) + 2);
newFile.Append(temp + "\r\n");
newFile.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
File.WriteAllText(FileName, newFile.ToString());

Could any one please help me with code need urgent

Thanks in advance,

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