Error passing list and array to web service
I am trying to convert VB code to C# for consuming a web service, but something is wrong in my C# syntax.
This is the VB code: formattedBlockList.AddRange(MDM_Ref.GetLatestReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock(meterList.ToArray, startdate.AddSeconds(-1), enddate, interval, {""}, ""))
This is my C# code: formattedBlockList.AddRange(MDM_Ref.GetLatestReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock(meterList.ToArray, startdate.AddSeconds(-1), enddate, interval, arr1, ""));
C# does not allow me to use {""} for the empty string array, so I created an empty string array arr1.
Here is the complete code:
public List<formattedBlock> getReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock()
List<formattedBlock> formattedBlockList = new List<formattedBlock>();
System.DateTime startdate = Convert.ToDateTime("05/01/2012");
System.DateTime enddate = Convert.ToDateTime("05/04/2012");
string interval ="D";
List<meterID> meterList = new List<meterID>();
int i = 0;
int meter = 30000;
int lastMeter = 30000;
for (i = meter; i <= lastMeter; i++) {
meterList.Add(new meterID { meterNo = i.ToString() });
string[] arr1 = {""};
try {
formattedBlockList.AddRange(MDM_Ref.GetLatestReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock(meterList.ToArray, startdate.AddSeconds(-1), enddate, interval, arr1, ""));
catch (Exception ex) {
return formattedBlockList;
Here is the web service:
public formattedBlock[] GetLatestReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock(meterID[] meterIDs, System.DateTime startDate, System.DateTime endDate, string formattedBlockTemplateName, string[] fieldName, string lastReceived) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("GetLatestReadingsByMeterListFormattedBlock", new object[] {
return ((formattedBlock[])(results[0]));