
Excel to sql...



Dec 5 2006 6:51 AM
Hi, I want to convert excel sheet data to sql database.I have completed it using OLEDB connection and sql query.I retrieved the data from excel and bind the data into dataset using OLEDataAdapter and then dataset content will be displayed on grid.If the excel sheet data is of same datatype means it is working properly.See the excel sheet example... Name Mark1 Mark2 Ram 87 76 somu 45 65 james 65 98 When converting this excel to sql it is working properly.. See the problem below.. Name Mark1 Mark2 Ram 87 76 somu 45 AB james 65 98 when i am giving 'AB' to mark it shows null value at that specified column(ie,blank space on grid for the data 'AB'). This is my problem...How can i rectify this....Any alternative solutions...