
FileNotFoundException using Remoting

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I have an issue as I am trying to use remotingin my little app. I have the assembly myproject.dll, containing all the necessary implementation for a server and client process to use it for remoting:

interface IMyObject
Contains fct bool Open() prototype

class CMyObject : MarshalByRefObject, IMyObject
Contains fct bool Open() implementation

CMyObjectRemoteClient : IMyObject
Contains Remoting implementation for client side

CMyObjectRemoteServer : CMyObject
Contains Remoting implementation for Server side

I have a first process, the server, instantiating CMyObjectRemoteServer, which does the following:

// Create Ipc Channel
m_oIpcServerChannel = new IpcServerChannel("myproject");

// Register to the IPC channel
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_oIpcServerChannel, false);

//register remote object

I have the second process, the client, doing the following:

// Create Ipc Channel
m_oIpcClientChannel = new IpcClientChannel("myproject", null);

// Register to the IPC channel
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_oIpcClientChannel, false);

// Get the remote object
remoteObject = (IMyObject) Activator.GetObject(

For this part, everything seems to work right. But then I try to call the Open() function of my object:


And I get the following exception:

1724 RemoteTester. WARNING 18:49:57:246 00e9c MyNamespace::CMyObjectRemoteClient.Open() Error calling remote object function: Could not load file or assembly 'myproject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

The first process is nothing but an exe using myproject.dll to get a CMyObjectRemoteServer object. The second process is also a simple exe using the same myproject.dll to get a CMyObjectRemoteClient object. Both the client and server exe, and myproject.dll are all in the same folder. I also checked:


to find out they really point to the right place, and all looks fine. What is going wrong, and why does it fail loading the assembly?

Thanks for your help!