Hi I have a simple question (not for me)
how can I confirm only one div open. I want when users click to open the secent div, the first div will be closed.
my code:
style type="text/css">
{color:#000033; background-color:#cccccc; layer-background-color:#cccccc;
position:absolute; top:300px; left:300px; width:480px; height:280px;
z-index:99; visibility:hidden;}
script type="text/javascript">
function toggleBox(DivID, iState) // 1 visible, 0 hidden
if(document.getElementById) //gecko(NN6) + IE 5+
var obj = document.getElementById(DivID);
obj.style.visibility = iState ?
"visible" : "hidden";
<div ID="demodiv" class="demo"> text, tables or any other HTML contents here.<input type="button" onClick="toggleBox('demodiv',0);" value="Hide Div">
div ID="demodiv2" class="demo">text2, tables or any other HTML contents here.<input type="button" onClick="toggleBox('demodiv2',0);" value="Hide Div">
input type="button" onClick="toggleBox('demodiv',1);" value="Show Div">
br /><br />
input type="button" onClick="toggleBox('demodiv2',1);" value="Show Div">
Thanks mali