Form Population from another Form [Newbie Question]
Hello All.
First thank you for reading.
I am trying to learn c# and due to unemployment am scouring the internet for free resources to do so. I have come across videos and ebook's and now this website.
after beginning my debut programme (a simple address book) I'm stuck...
I have managed to create a very nice UI (easy in VS08) and a database. on the first form it lists the names in the database in a listbox. When a name is double clicked it opens a dialog box instance of a details page.
I have managed to grab the ID from the name clicked and throw it at the details form,
The 2nd form takes this ID and displays it in a text box, But all the other components of the form show details of another entry in the table...
I am using, TableAdapters, BindingSource and Datasets. I have very limited understanding of these, but I thought Binding source was meant to update all fields to represent the same record (row, entry) ?
So my question is, What am I missing to make this happen?
~Ore P.S For somereason all formatting I try and acheive in this forum is futile. It might be my browser settings. I have code I was going to post but since my formatting is buggered it would have just complicated things.