
Forms authentication cookie with SSL



Jan 19 2009 5:48 AM


In my webapplication I have added a HttpModule which redirects pages from HTTP to HTTPS and back, dependant on settings in the web.config file. So I can specify which pages and folders are required to use HTTPS.

I have added my login.aspx page to this section in the web.cofig, so logging in is more secure. Authentication works fine and also setting the authentication cookie works OK. I have set these authentication settings in the web.config: <forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" name=".MyWebAppFORMSAUTH" slidingExpiration="true" timeout="129600"/>. With this setting, the cookie should be persistent for 90 days.

The problem is that it looks like the timeout property isn't working (because I'm switching between HTTPS and HTTP ???). When I close my browser and request the website again I'm automatically logged in, but when I open the website the next day I'm not automatically logged in anymore.

Does anybody know what the problem is and how I can solve this?
