
frame grabber multithreading problem

zaman soomro

zaman soomro


Hi all

I m new in programming i have epiphan frame grabber which is connected to  my other computer to grab screen output i have downloaded SDK from epiphan in which there are few sample codes I have modified VC# code (initial code grab only one picture/screenshot but i have put the method in infinite loop to give it motion) problem is that when i call function(that grab frame) in infinite loop my application hangs and doesnt give any response. I created new thread and put that function in it now it works correctly but when when i comment following lines.

private void GrabFrame()



            if (OpenGrabber()) {


                VideoMode vm = _grabber.DetectVideoMode();

                if (vm != null) {

                    if (vm.IsValid()) {

                        Frame frame = _grabber.GrabFrame();


                        if (frame != null) {



                          //  _grabber.Start();


                            Bitmap bitmap = frame.GetBitmap();

                            if (bitmap != null) {

                                //TextOutputAdd("Frame captured (" + vm + ")");

                            //"Frame captured (" + vm + ")"


                                // TextOutput.Text = "Frame captured (" + vm + ")" + "\r\n" + TextOutput.Text;

                                PictureBox.Image = bitmap;

                            } else {

                               // TextOutputAdd("Capture format error");");//(display message in text box)




                        } else {

                            //TextOutputAdd("Capture failed");");//(display message in text box)




                    } else {

                        //TextOutputAdd("No signal detected");");//(display message in text box)



                } else {

                    //TextOutputAdd("Failed to detect video mode");//(display message in text box)

                   // SetGrabber(null);




But when I uncomment following lines following error appears


An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll


Additional information: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'TextOutput' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.


Code for button that run thread

private void th_instance() {

            for (; ; )

            { GrabFrame();



private void CaptureFrame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



            th1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(th_instance));



 sample source code is attached


i will highly appreciate if somebody could guide me to solve issue and provide me best solution


Attachment: v2u_csharp.rar

Answers (3)