Data base as follows;
Faculty_Code Varchar
Faculty Name Varchar
SNO Faculty_Code Faculty Name Table name(Faculty Details)
1 GS G sekar
2 VB V Bala
in this table faculty code data are stored here.
Form1 Design
Listbox1 Button Listbox2
in listbox when i click load button all Faculty_Code is retrived from the data base and display in to the Listbox1.
when i lcik the ADD button form the Listbox1 Faculty_code goes to Listbox2.
I have one button called Draw Schedule when i click that button the Faculty_Code(from the Listbox2 Faculty_Code ) goes to another Form2, in the data grid view in column that FAculty_Cod to be displayed.
Form2 design
Date Period Column name column name column name (in data grid view)
13/1 2013 1
13/1 2013 2
Ouput asfollows;
Date Period GS VB (the column name is retrieved from Faculty Details table,from Listbox2 Form1 ) in data grid view.
13/1 2013 1
13/1 2013 2
how to do.please send the code.