
Get Vales from dynamically Added Controls inside Gridview

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Rahul Parab

Rahul Parab

       I have a form in which there is one GridView and one Add Row Button. Following is my code logic :
  •  When i click on add row a new row gets added with three columns. In the first 2 columns there are Dropdowns. The first dropdown is coming filled by default and second gets filled on the selection of first.
  • On selecting any values from second dropdown a dynamic control gets added in the third column say Textbox / Dropdown / Label.
  • Now till here everything is working fine and also i am re-creating the controls after every postbacks like Add Row button click or dropdown changing event.
  • Now from where can i get the values entered inside the dynamically added controls like Textboxes / Dropdown.,etc  Please help.

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