
GridView Pagination

priya ppp

priya ppp

Nov 23 2015 12:34 AM
Hi..I wan't to implement the pagination for Gird ...I know it's very easy,but here we are using our own controllers like
<abc:igrid id="grdListView" runat="server" usesilverlight="true" ongroupbylistclick="Grid_GroupByListClick"
showgroupby="True" showfilterby="True" profileid="" norecordstext="No records found"
onrowselect="RowSelect" onrowunselect="RowSelect" onfilterbylistclick="Grid_FilterByListClick"
shownavigator="False" multiselect="True" allowmulticolumnsort="True" oncellclick="ShowEPR"
onexpanderclicked="FillPatientChildGrid" resourceid="rmmyrequestlistgrid.grdListView">
for this how can I implement the pagination...I can't understand ,so can any one help me out ..I need to implement the pagination like below image,plz see the uploaded file ,it contains pagination image 

Attachment: pagination.zip

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