
GUI work , just need input, advice

Prime b

Prime b

Its 10:30 right and its not that I am lazy, its just my head tired and i cant think of better way to do it right now. I just want you to look at it and tell me if you think, if should make replace something or change or edit or etc.......
So this is the picture of I have done.

This website is honestly retarded, the upload picture button uploads empty pictures.... So i just uploaded it to image shack (At least icons are working), Vulpes the log in to image shack is the same as the one to the 4share.

Create a Form for Nina's Cookie Source. Allow the user to select
from at least three types of cookies, each with a diff erent price
per dozen. Allow the user to select 1/2, 1, 2, or 3 dozen cookies.
Adjust the fi nal displayed price as the user chooses cookie
types and quantities. Also allow the user to select an order date
from a MonthCalendar. Assuming that shipping takes three
days, display the estimated arrival date for the order. Include as
many labels as necessary so the user understands how to use
the Form.
Answers (9)