
Hello I have one Question about Compareto() method.How it sort array.

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Yashpal Gaur

Yashpal Gaur

Wish u very happy new year.I have one Question about Compareto() method
of IComparable Interface.When I call Sort method of Array compareto() method of
Icomparable() interface is invoked.I want to know ,how this method compare
two objects and sort array.
    I am sending code of ArraySorting, It is working with no error.
    I hope you give me the answer of this question as much as possible.

using System;
namespace ArraySortingUsingIComparable
 /// <summary>
 /// Summary description for Class1.
 /// </summary>
 public class Name1 : IComparable
  private string text;
  public Name1(string text)
   this.text = text;
  public string Text
    return text;
  public int CompareTo(object obj)
   string s1 = this.Text;
   string s2 = ((Name1) obj).Text;
   return String.Compare(s1, s2);
  override public string ToString()
   return text;
 class ArrayName
  /// <summary>
  /// The main entry point for the application.
  /// </summary>
  static int Main(string[] args)
   // TODO: Add code to start application here
   Name1[] array = new Name1[6];
   array[0] = new Name1("Michael");
   array[1] = new Name1("Charlie");
   array[2] = new Name1("Peter");
   array[3] = new Name1("Dana");
   array[4] = new Name1("Bob");
   if (array[0] is IComparable)
     "Name does not implement IComparable");
   foreach (Name1 name in array)
    //if (name != null)
   return 0;
 Bassicaly I want to know about this part of code
  public string Text
    return text;
  public int CompareTo(object obj)
   string s1 = this.Text;
   string s2 = ((Name1) obj).Text;
   return String.Compare(s1, s2);