
Help on Browser Helper objects in c#

venkatesh T

venkatesh T

   I'm new to .Net, I had created a Browser Helper Object in c# using
I want to replace the web page content with other text. I can able to replace the web page content but, when i open Internet Explorer, the web page is displayed with the original content it had, and after few seconds, the content is got replaced, but i want the content is to be replaced first with other text, i.e., before it is visible to the user.

Here I am using DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEventHandler,
Instead of this , I also tried with DWebBrowserEvents2_DownloadBeginEventHandler and DWebBrowserEvents2_DownloadCompleteEventHandler, DWebBrowserEvents2_ProgressChangeEventHandler but are of no use,  the result is same.

Other thing is , is there any possibility that not to display the web page's original content for few seconds in which the original web page text is got replaced.

Please help if anyone know about this........