I have a grid view on other page but i want to get text box value from prevoius page in the grid view selection change index event.
i mean entering start date and end date from previus page i get it in the grid view selectd chang index event how is possible?
void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// int index = GridView1.SelectedIndex;
int id = (int)GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Values["Car_id"];
// Label1.Text=id.ToString();
DetailsView1.PageIndex = GridView1.SelectedIndex;
string connectionString = (string)ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["dbconnectionstr"];
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
string commandstring = "Select * from Rates where Car_id=" + id;
OleDbCommand cmnon = new OleDbCommand(commandstring, conn);
OleDbDataReader rd = cmnon.ExecuteReader();
while (rd.Read())
Label2.Text = rd[
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////from here i am getting problem it does not get previus page properties which are Datestart and Datend....................................................................................
int rent, tot = 0;
DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(PreviousPage.Datestart);
DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(PreviousPage.Dateend);
int totdays = (end - start).Days + 1;
if (totdays <= 1)
lbhire.Text =
"Sorry start date can't be greater then end date for same month";
lbhire.Text =
if (totdays >= 2 && totdays <= 6)
rent =
else if (totdays >= 7 && totdays <= 13)
rent =
rent =
tot = rent * totdays;
lbtot.Text = tot.ToString();
// Label8.Text=rd["VAT%"].ToString();