
Help with creating two fields on Ionic-1 app

Help with creating two fields on Ionic-1 app

Hello, I wonder if anyone could help. I am trying to create 2 fields (creationTime & creationDate) in ionic1 app, which is online reminder, using jsonblob API. Both fields should show on jsonblob but not be visible on the app. I can't seem to work out how to do this.


<ion-view ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
<h1 class="title">{{reminder.titleText}}</h1>
<ion-content class="has-header">
<ion-item class="item-head">
<ion-item class="item-body">
<input type="text" ng-model='reminder.titleText' id="input-box">
<ion-item class="item-head">
<ion-item class="item-body">
<textarea rows="5" ng-model='reminder.descText' ng-value="" id="desc-box"></textarea>
<ion-item class="item-head">
<span radio-group class="item-body">
<ion-radio ng-model='reminder.priority' ng-value='1'>High</ion-radio>
<ion-radio ng-model='reminder.priority' ng-value='2'>Medium</ion-radio>
<ion-radio ng-model='reminder.priority' ng-value='3'>Low</ion-radio>
<ion-item class="item-head">
<ion-toggle class="item-body" ng-model="reminder.complete">Complete</ion-toggle>

<!-- Show save button if there is no saved myjsonblobID, otherwise show update and delete buttons -->

<ion-item ng-if="haveID==false">
<button class="button button-positive large round" ng-click="createmyjsonblob'()">Save</button>
<ion-item ng-if="haveID==true">
<button class="button button-positive large round" ng-click="updatemyjsonblob()">Update</button>
<button class="button button-positive large round" ng-click="deletemyjsonblob()">Delete</button>


var app = angular.module('myNews');

app.controller("mainCtrl",function($scope, myjsonblobService, storageService){

//On startup check if there is a myjsonblobID saved in the local storage
var ID = storageService.getIDFromStorage();

//if no id, set reminder data to default
if(ID == "undefined" || ID === null || ID === ""){
$scope.reminder = {
titleText : "",
descText : "",
priority : 1,
complete : false,

//show save button
$scope.haveID = false;
//if there is an id, set id from storage to myjsonblobService, then get data from myjsonblob
//show update and delete buttons
$scope.haveID = true;
//let the myjsonblob ID service know the current myjsonblob ID
//get myjsonblob data

/*----------------- Link Service Functions -------------------------------------*/

$scope.createmyjsonblob = function(){

$scope.updatemyjsonblob = function(){

$scope.deletemyjsonblob = function(){


/*----------------- Callback Functions -------------------------------------*/

//Callback functions for the create new myjsonblob request
function createCallbackOK(){
//update shown buttons
$scope.haveID = true;
//get new myjsonblobID
ID = myjsonblobService.getmyjsonblobID();
//save new myjsonblobID to local storage
function createCallbackNOTOK(){
alert("Sorry, there was an error accessing the server to create the reminder, please try again later.");

//Callback functions for the get myjsonblobID request
function getCallbackOK(data){
//update scope data with saved reminder data
$scope.reminder = data;

function getCallbackNOTOK(){
alert("Sorry, there was an error accessing the server to get the reminder data, please try again later.");

//Callback function for the update myjsonblobID request

function updateCallbackOK(data){
$scope.reminder = data;
//update scope data with new reminder


function updateCallbackNOTOK(){
alert("Sorry, there was an error accessing the server to update the reminder data, please try again later.");


//Callback function for the delete myjsonblobID request

function deleteCallbackOK(data){
$scope.reminder = data;
//update scope data with new reminder


function deleteCallbackNOTOK(){
alert("Sorry, there was an error accessing the server to delete the reminder data, please try again later.");




var app = angular.module('myNews')

contains all functionality needed to send, recieve and update data from the myjsonblob website
.service('myjsonblobService', function($http){

//url for myjsonblob
var myjsonblobURL = "https://jsonblob.com/api/jsonBlob";
//holds myjsonblobID during runtime
var myjsonblobID ="";

/*------------------ Create --------------------------------------------*/

//function call to create myJSON
this.createmyjsonblob =(createCallbackOK, createCallbackNOTOK,data){
//request to create myjsonblobID using reminder data

//create ok, gets the myjsonblobID and calls back to controller
function postOK(response){
myjsonblobID = response.headers ("x-jsonblob");
console.log("myjsonblobID = " + myjsonblobID);
//create not ok, calls back to the controller
function postNOTOK(response){

/*------------------ Get -----------------------------------------------*/

//function call to get data stored on myjsonblob
this.getmyjsonblob = function(getCallbackOK,getCallbackNOTOK){

//get ok gets the data associated with myjsonblobID, to be returned to the data attribute of response object
function getOK(response){
console.log("myjsonblobID = " + myjsonblobID);
//get not ok, calls back to the controller
function getNOTOK(response){

/*------------------ Update --------------------------------------------*/

//function call to update myjsonblob data
this.updatemyjsonblob = function(updateCallbackOK, updateCallbackNOTOK, data){
//request to update myjsonblob using reminder data

//update ok
function putOK(response){

updateCallbackOK (response.data);

//nothing needed to be done
//update not ok, calls back to the controller
function putNOTOK(response){


/*------------------ Delete --------------------------------------------*/

//function call to delete myjsonblob data
this.deletemyjsonblob = function(deleteCallbackOK, deleteCallbackNOTOK){
//request to delete myjsonblob using reminder data

//delete ok
function deleteOK(response){
var blobID = response.headers("x-jsonblob");

deleteCallbackOK ();

//nothing needed to be done
//delete not ok, calls back to the controller
function deleteNOTOK(response){



/*------------------ Get BlobID -----------------------------------------*/

this.getmyjsonblobID = function(){
return myjsonblobID;

this.setmyjsonblobID = function(ID){
myjsonblobID = ID;

contains all functionality needed to save, recieve and delete the myjsonblobID from the local storage
.service('storageService', function($window){
//Saves/updates the myjsonblobID in local storage
this.setIDInStorage = function(myjsonblobID){

//Retrieves the myjsonblobID from local storage
this.getIDFromStorage = function(){
return $window.localStorage.getItem("myjsonblobID");

//Deletes the myjsonblobID from local storage
this.removeIDFromStorage = function(){

Answers (1)