
Help with Filesystemwatcher

Mark M

Mark M

Sep 25 2008 6:53 PM

Hello Everyone,

I am currently using filesystemwatcher to transfer text files from my local machine onto a different server. The files loaded onto my local machine can be loaded at anytime of the day, and the problem is the server I am moving it to is known to go down several times.

Whenever a file is created on my local machine I want it to be copied directly to the server, and if the server is down, I want it to continually try every 5-10 minutes until successfull.

My code is the following for when a file is created

private void watch_Created(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)


string copytoFolder = @""+foldercpPath.Text;

//If the given directory does not exist wait for 2 minutes and check again.

while (!Directory.Exists(copytoFolder))


textBox1.Text += e.Name + " is waiting to be copied...\n\n";

Delay(120000); // I can also use thread.sleep(120000) but this is just as inefficient.


File.Copy(e.FullPath, copytoFolder + e.Name);

textBox1.Text += e.Name + " Successfully Copied\n\n";


public static DateTime Delay(int MilliSecondsToPauseFor)


DateTime ThisMoment = DateTime.Now;

TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, MilliSecondsToPauseFor);

DateTime AfterWards = ThisMoment.Add(duration);

while (AfterWards >= ThisMoment)



ThisMoment = DateTime.Now;


return DateTime.Now;


Is there a way to put in a 2 minute delay without using the sleep method or making a while loop? I'm trying to make this as efficient as possible. I was told I could put my application to sleep and have the filesystemwatcher make a wakeup call everytime a new file is created. Is this possible? How would I do it?

Thank you all very much for any help you can provide.

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