Help with user inputs for c#
I have recently started c#. I love it. I used to code in basic, but now C# has incorparated the easiness of basic and some of the features of C++. I was wondering if anyone could help me with user input. I would like to create a number guessing game.
Im a even number. I am between 10 and 50. I am not any 30's though.
Say the number was 28. How could the user input 28?
I would do something like
using System;
public class Age
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Please input your age.");
string line = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("You can now smoke!");
Something like that.
One last question. How could I make it so if you say your 21 then It would say "You can drink beer!" and like if your 18 "You can smoke" and etc.?
How could I make it determine the age inputed and print special messages basically?