Dim sColList, sTableName As String Dim DT_Data As New RS_UtilityService.dsSDFSystem.sp_DynamicSQLDataTable Dim ds As New DataSet Dim table1 As New DataTable
sTableName = ListColumn.DataSource(0)("TABLE_NAME").ToString sColList = "*" If ListRptCol.ItemCount > 0 Then Dim DT As DataTable = ListRptCol.DataSource sColList = "" For iCnt = 0 To DT.Rows.Count - 1 If DT(iCnt)("SOURCE").ToString = "CALC" Then sColList += "|" & DT(iCnt)("COLUMN_NAME").ToString & "=(" & DT(iCnt)("FORMULA").ToString & ")" Else sColList += "|" & DT(iCnt)("COLUMN_NAME").ToString End If Next sColList = Mid(sColList, 2) End If
r_sSQL = "Select Top(" & txtRecordNo.Text & ") " & sColList.Replace(CChar("|"), CChar(",")) & " From " & sTableName & _ " Where 0=0" & sParameter
If chkPreviewData.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked Then r_sSQL += " And 1=0 " Try DT_Data = RiskkServices.UtilityService.GetDynamicData(r_sSQL) Catch ex As Exception RiskkCommonLib.RiskkMsg.ShowMsg(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, Utils.MessageBoxExLib.MessageBoxExIcon.Error) End Try grdReport.DataSource = DT_Data grdV.RefreshData() grdV.BestFitColumns()